
Committee Assignments

February 10, 2023

On Wednesday, February 8th, the Texas House of Representatives took a vital step in setting its agenda and priorities for the 88th Legislative Session with the appointment of House Committees. With 150 members each representing different districts and constituencies across the state, this is an important and extensive task for the House Speaker. I am proud that Speaker Dade Phelan has demonstrated strong faith in me with three critical committee appointments. This session I am proud to serve once again as the Chairman of the Committee on House Administration and as a member of the Committee on State Affairs and the Committee on Natural Resources.

It is a true privilege to be reappointed to the influential role of Chairman of the Committee on House Administration. The Chair of House Administration works closely with the Office of the Speaker to oversee and manage the House, its finances, and daily operations. The committee is tasked with overseeing all operations of the Texas House and its members, officers, and employees, which includes the rules, procedures and policies by which the House is governed. It is also tasked with controlling all appropriations from House offices and business that takes place on House property, including the floor of the Texas House of Representatives. The House Administration Committee is an important institution within the House of Representatives and ensures that the body is operating in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Being given this opportunity to serve in a key leadership role in the Texas House is a tremendous honor and a responsibility that I do not take lightly. I appreciate the vote of confidence that has been placed in me by Speaker Phelan and am eager to continue to work serving all Members of the House in this leadership capacity.

Another appointment that I was honored to receive from Speaker Phelan is my reappointment to the Committee on State Affairs. The Committee on State Affairs is a powerful committee with very broad jurisdiction over a wide array of matters, including any issues of importance deemed relevant to state policy, the powers of state government and all of its departments, agencies, and institutions, the conduct of persons with influence in public policy, the regulation of electric, telecommunications and cybersecurity utilities, and an all-encompassing range of issues where jurisdiction is not granted to another standing committee under the Texas House rules. During the interim period between the 87th and 88th Sessions, I was honored to serve as the Chairman of the State Affairs Committee with the interim resignation of the former chair, and we worked in great depth on the many issues relating to our state’s electric grid and power generation as a result of the devastating Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. The committee will be chaired during the regular session by Republican Todd Hunter of Corpus Christi. The State of Texas has long been a shining example of how all states in our union should function, and this has been made even more apparent during the last couple of years as inflation has ravaged our economy. We have seen our state’s low regulation, business-friendly policy framework thriving as companies from all over the nation leave their heavy-handed governments behind to move to Texas where economic promise flourishes. I am proud to once again serve on this important committee, and it is one of my top priorities as a member to see that Texas continues to lead the nation in policymaking that benefits our citizens and our economy.

I am also excited to serve once again on the Committee on Natural Resources. Although I was not a member of the Natural Resources committee last session, I have previously served as a member and Vice Chair of this committee. I am happy to be back once again as water issues remain a crucial issue in House District 16 and Montgomery County. The Committee on Natural Resources is tasked with overseeing the management, use, and conservation of our natural resources, most prominently water.  Montgomery County is no stranger to the need for efficient and responsible water resource management with a growing population and greater pressure from residents and businesses to keep supplies both abundant and affordable.  I am eager to begin work to guarantee a cost effective, sustainable future for our children where we leave them a clean and easily accessible cache of natural resources.

I am humbled and honored by the opportunity and trust that Speaker Phelan has placed in me with these committee assignments. I look forward to serving in these roles and others to keep fighting for the wonderful people of House District 16 and the Great State of Texas.

May God bless you, your family, and the Great State of Texas. 

Will Metcalf
State Representative
House District 16 

Texas Constitutional Amendments on Your Nov. 5th Ballot!

October 21, 2019

Here are the proposed amendments to our State Constitution up for your vote:


“The constitutional amendment permitting a person to hold more than one office as a municipal judge at the same time.”

Allows a person to hold more than one office as an elected or appointed municipal judge in more than one municipality at the same time.


“The constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board in an amount not to exceed $200 million to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas.”

Authorizes the Texas Water Development Board to issue additional general obligation bonds to provide financial assistance for the development of water supply and sewer service projects in economically distressed areas of the state.

PROPOSITION 3 | Coauthor (HJR 34)

“The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a temporary exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of certain property damaged by a disaster.”

Allows for a temporary exemption from property taxation if the property is in a declared disaster area and is damaged by at least 15% or more.

PROPOSITION 4 | Joint Author (HJR 38)

“The constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of an individual income tax, including a tax on an individual’s share of partnership and unincorporated association income.”

Texas currently does not levy an income tax on individuals. Proposition 4 would BAN the state from ever collecting a state income tax.

PROPOSITION 5 | Cosponsor (SJR 24)

“The constitutional amendment dedicating the revenue received from the existing state sales and use taxes that are imposed on sporting goods to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Historical Commission to protect Texas’s natural areas, water quality, and history by acquiring, managing, and improving state and local parks and historic sites while not increasing the rate of the state sales and use taxes.”

Automatically appropriates all state sales tax revenue from sporting goods to the Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Historical Commission.

PROPOSITION 6 | Coauthor (HJR 12)

“The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to increase by $3 billion the maximum bond amount authorized for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.”

Increases from $3 billion to $6 billion the maximum amount of general obligation bonds the legislature may authorize the Texas Public Finance Authority to provide for, issue, and sell on behalf of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.


“The constitutional amendment allowing increased distributions to the available school fund.”

Increases from $300 million to $600 million the amount that the General Land Office could distribute to the Available School Fund derived from the land or properties it manages.

PROPOSITION 8 | Joint Author (HJR 4)

“The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the flood infrastructure fund to assist in the financing of drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects.”

Creates the Flood Infrastructure Fund and authorizes the Texas Water Development Board to provide financing for drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects. Does not raises taxes.


“The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation precious metal held in a precious metal depository located in this state.”

Exempts precious metal held in a precious metal depository in the state, such as the Texas Bullion Depository, from ad valorem taxation by a political subdivision.


“The constitutional amendment to allow the transfer of a law enforcement animal to a qualified caretaker in certain circumstances.”

Allows law enforcement animals, such as dogs or horses, to retire and live with their handler or another qualified caretaker if the transfer is in the animal’s best interest.

Find out what time and where to vote here: https://elections.mctx.org/